4 Ways to Naturally Cope with Asthma

4 Ways to Naturally Cope with Asthma

To manage asthma effectively, one needs to take prescribed medicines on time, and equip the body to naturally cope with the condition. While there are no home remedies that will cure asthma, you can use certain natural methods to reduce the risk of an attack. These include having anti-inflammatory foods and practicing stress-relieving techniques. These may also improve asthma-related symptoms. Here are a few things you can try at home for relief. 1. Drink ginger tea Ginger tea is known to be a common remedy for a cold as it has anti-inflammatory properties. For the same reason, it is also consumed to manage asthma. Ginger tea can reduce the swelling of the nasal tract and allow air to flow freely through it. As the condition already makes breathing difficult, having ginger can lead to asthma relief by allowing one to breathe better. It may also reduce wheezing and prolonged cough. The root has antioxidants too, which detoxes the body of harmful substances. This reduces the chances of contracting a virus or infection that may trigger asthma. 2. Practice breathing techniques Regulating one’s breathing can go a long way in managing asthma. It can stabilize the breath so that one doesn’t fall short of oxygen.
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Lifestyle Tips to Better Manage ADHD

Lifestyle Tips to Better Manage ADHD

ADHD can tamper with your life in a variety of ways, making it hard for you to focus or calm, but there are several things you can do to reduce the symptoms and take charge of your life. Along with appropriate treatment, changes in your lifestyle and health can greatly influence the way you manage your ADHD. Here are some simple tips to help you make your or a loved one’s life easier. 1. Don’t compromise on your sleep Most adults require at least eight hours of sleep every night. Although adults and children suffering from ADHD may experience trouble sleeping, establishing a proper routine by trying to sleep and wake up at the same time every day goes a long way. Make sure you do not use any devices for at least 60 minutes before bed. Instead, engage in calming activities like reading or music. If your child is suffering from ADHD, calm them down by reading them a bedtime story or bathing in warm water. 2. Don’t forget to eat well Not eating regularly can affect you immensely. It increases your anxiety and lowers your concentration. Make sure you eat a balanced diet that consists of fruits, vegetables, and proteins.
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5 Lifestyle Tips to Control Multiple Sclerosis

5 Lifestyle Tips to Control Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the central nervous system that affects nearly one million people in the country. With MS, a person’s immune system gets damaged, and it ends up attacking the protective outer covering of nerve fibers responsible for communication between different parts of the nervous system. People suffering from MS experience painful symptoms such as double vision, fatigue, dizziness, and shock-like sensations throughout the body. There’s no cure for MS. However, a combination of treatment and lifestyle changes can help curtail some of the symptoms. We’ll be focusing only on the latter. So, here are five lifestyle tips to help control MS. 1. Eat healthy While the right diet might not completely cure MS, it can help reduce the symptom’s severity. People suffering from MS often experience problems with bowel movement. A high-fiber diet can address this issue and improve the condition of the bladder. To fight the condition, one must include green leafy vegetables and high-fiber, low-fat foods like fish, olive oil, and whole-grain cereals in their diet. 2. Say no to smoking Smoking isn’t good even if a person is not suffering from MS. The lungs suffer a great deal, and it has a detrimental effect on the nervous system, causing a real problem for MS patients.
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Types and Causes of Anemia

Types and Causes of Anemia

Anemia interferes with the body’s ability to transfer oxygen through the tissues. This happens because, in this condition, one falls short of healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen. This leads to a lack of oxygen that can make one feel extremely tired. The condition can occur due to different reasons. Anemia is categorized into different types based on the causes. Here are the four major types of anemia: 1. Iron deficiency anemia When the body’s bone marrow isn’t supplied with adequate iron, it fails to produce enough hemoglobin. The lack of hemoglobin affects the red blood cells’ ability to supply oxygen, leading to anemia caused by iron deficiency. It can occur due to low iron intake or a certain illness that has reduced the body’s ability to absorb iron from the gastrointestinal system. At times, this type of anemia also occurs because of blood loss in excessive menstrual bleeding or internal bleeding. 2. Anemia of chronic disease Anemia of chronic disease, also known as ACD, is a common type of anemia resulting from chronic illnesses. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis or lupus may develop anemia. Those with severe chronic infections, including HIV and viral infection, may get diagnosed with the condition.
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Causes and Risk Factors for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Causes and Risk Factors for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Pulmonary arterial hypertension causes high blood pressure affecting the arteries in the lungs and heart. This is caused due to the narrowing or blockage of the blood vessels. If this condition is left untreated for a longer period of time, it has the potential to escalate and could be life-threatening in some cases. PAH could be caused due to a variety of underlying causes that are typically classified into five groups. They are as follows. Causes of PAH 1. Group 1 The cause of this type of pulmonary arterial hypertension is sometimes a genetic mutation that is passed down through the family or due to heart problems that are diagnosed at birth. It could also be caused due to prescription diet drugs or illegal drugs like methamphetamines. Other reasons for this type of pulmonary arterial hypertension are conditions such as scleroderma, lupus, HIV infection, or chronic liver disease. 2. Group 2 This particular type of pulmonary arterial hypertension is distinguished by the fact that it is usually caused as a result of some underlying disease affecting the left side of the heart. It could either be due to complete failure of the left heart chamber or due to mitral valve or aortic valve disease.
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5 Commonly Overlooked Signs of Cervical Cancer

5 Commonly Overlooked Signs of Cervical Cancer

The lower part of the uterus that connects it to the vagina is called the cervix. Cancer of this part of the female anatomy is known as cervical cancer. It is necessary for women to get tested regularly for early detection of the disease. It is mainly because the signs and symptoms of cervical cancer can often be overlooked as day-to-day issues, making it hard to diagnose during the early stages. Here are some of the early warning signs and symptoms of cervical cancer that can occur due to various other reasons. 1. Abnormal vaginal bleeding One of the commonly seen early warning signs of cervical cancer is abnormal bleeding of the vagina. Spotting, in general, is not a sign of anything serious. However, if a patient experiences bleeding in between periods, after menopause, or after intercourse, it can be a cause of concern, as it could be an indication of cervical cancer. The bleeding is generally seen when the tissues surrounding the cervix have been infected by cancer cells. Instances like longer or heavier menstrual cycles, or bleeding post a pelvic exam could also be treated as warning signs. 2. Painful intercourse Painful intercourse can be a result of an inflamed cervix, cervical polyp, or vaginal infection.
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Early Warning Signs of MS

Early Warning Signs of MS

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a progressive, autoimmune disorder. This means that MS is caused by the body’s immune system malfunctioning and attacking parts of the body that are needed for proper functioning. In the case of MS, the body attacks the protective covering of nerve cells. This diminishes the function of the spinal cord and brain. Here are some of the early warning signs of MS: 1. Balance problems People with MS often experience vertigo, which is lightheadedness and dizziness that causes one to feel as if their surroundings are spinning. This symptom often is seen when one stands up after sitting or laying down for long periods. Dizziness and coordination problems can also affect the mobility of someone with MS. 2. Bladder issues Bladder dysfunction is another common early warning sign of MS, with approximately 80 percent of those diagnosed with the condition reporting it as a symptom. This can include an inability to hold urine, frequent urination, or strong and frequent urges to urinate. Luckily, these symptoms are often manageable. 3. Cognitive problems Approximately half of those with MS will experience some form of cognitive dysfunction. These symptoms can include, shortened attention spans, memory problems, difficulty staying organized, and language difficulties.
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5 Overlooked Reasons to Stop Smoking for Good

5 Overlooked Reasons to Stop Smoking for Good

Science tells us that people who smoke are at greater risk of suffering from ailments such as heart disease and lung cancer. To learn more about why you should stop smoking, we’ve compiled a list of some of the major issues associated with smoking cigarettes, pipe tobacco, and vaping: 1. Cognitive decline and dementia Conducive research has been conducted, and it is evident that smoking will raise your chances of suffering from dementia. Not all people who smoke get dementia; however, you should stop smoking to ensure that you are not exposed to some of these risks. 2. Autoimmune diseases like lupus For the people who smoke cigarettes, there is the risk of suffering from ailments such as lupus. If you stop smoking, your chances of suffering from lupus will go down. For those who don’t know what lupus is, this is an ailment that usually causes inflammation, tissue damage, and pain in the entire body. For some individuals who have lupus, the symptoms will be mild at first, but they will become severe with time. 3. SIDs or colic in babies born to mothers who smoke Pregnant women are at a higher risk of suffering from SIDs (sudden infant death syndrome).
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6 Health Conditions Linked to Psoriasis

6 Health Conditions Linked to Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by the development of itchy, scaly patches on the skin, which can be painful and unsightly. However, psoriasis is more than just a skin condition; it is also associated with a range of health problems that can significantly impact a patient’s quality of life. In this article, we will explore some of the health conditions that patients with psoriasis are at higher risk of developing, how psoriasis can contribute to their development, and potential psoriasis treatments: 1. Cardiovascular disease This is a condition that affects the heart and blood vessels. Patients with psoriasis are at higher risk of developing heart disease, possibly due to chronic inflammation and insulin resistance associated with psoriasis. Medications such as Cosentyx and Xeljanx may be used to treat psoriasis and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. 2. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) PCOS is a hormonal disorder that can cause infertility, irregular periods, and other health problems. Studies have found that women with psoriasis are at higher risk of developing PCOS, possibly due to insulin resistance and hormonal imbalances associated with psoriasis. Medications such as Ilumya tildrakizumab may be used to treat both psoriasis and PCOS.
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Dental Implant Cost: Instant Ways to Save on Dental Implants

Dental Implant Cost: Instant Ways to Save on Dental Implants

Dental implants are a type of dental restoration involving the surgical placement of an artificial tooth root into the jawbone. Once the implant has fused with the bone, a crown or bridge is attached to create a natural-looking tooth replacement. Tooth implants can be costly, with the average cost ranging from $1,500 to $6,000 USD per tooth. However, there are ways to save on tooth implants. This article will provide five tips to help you get cheaper dental implants: 1. Do your research Before getting dental implants, it is essential to undertake proper research. You should know what type of dental implant is right for you and the average procedure cost in your area. You can also research the dentist or dental surgeon performing the procedure to ensure they are experienced and reputable. Researching can help you make an informed decision about the procedure, and it can also help you find cheaper dental implants. 2. Shop around Once you have researched properly, it is time to shop around. Different dentists and dental clinics will charge different prices for tooth implants, so it is essential to compare prices. You can call around and ask for quotes or use websites that compare prices for tooth implants in your area.
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