8 Natural Remedies to Treat Erectile Dysfunction

8 Natural Remedies to Treat Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction(ED) affects many individuals of all ages across the world. While there is no exact known cause for this condition, there are various modes of treatment that help combat it. Some resort to medication or surgery; however, there are enough natural remedies for erectile dysfunction that you can try at home. Read on to know more about some of them. 1. Exercise regularly One of the best things you can do to stay healthy is exercise regularly. Exercising not only keeps the body healthy but also promotes blood circulation to all parts of the body. Studies have shown that adding regular exercises to one’s lifestyle is one of the most effective ways to treat ED. Not only does it prevent the occurrence and development of ED in individuals, but it also aids the reversal of the condition. Exercising also improves blood pressure in the body by increasing the nitric oxide content in the blood vessels. Weight training improves stamina by increasing the production of testosterone in the body, another important factor to tackle ED. 2. Proper sleep Good and wholesome sleep is one of the important natural remedies for erectile dysfunction. One needs to have a good night’s rest as being tired and fatigued can affect the libido of an individual.
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The Best Foods to Manage Gout

The Best Foods to Manage Gout

Gout is a common type of arthritis, which is characterized by sudden, severe pain and swelling in the joints due to the build-up of uric acid. Uric acid is formed when purines (found in the body and certain foods) break down into crystals, which remain in the joints and lead to pain. While there is no fixed cure for gout, a good balance of medications and home remedies can help manage its symptoms. Let’s take a look at a few dietary changes and natural remedies that can assist in alleviating gout symptoms: 1. Cherries Anthocyanins are found in large amounts in cherries. They are anti-inflammatory compounds that help reduce the symptoms of gout. Studies say that a regular intake of cherries in fruit or juice form, in combination with medicines, can reduce the risk of gout attacks by 75 percent. 2. Lemon water While drinking plenty of water benefits gout patients, adding freshly squeezed lemon to it doubles those benefits. Studies say that lemon neutralizes the levels of uric acid in the body, which helps in curbing the symptoms of gout. 3. Ginger Ginger is well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties. If you enjoy a cup of warm tea before bed, then it’s a good excuse to have ginger tea.
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Common Indicators of Sleep Apnea in Children and Adults

Common Indicators of Sleep Apnea in Children and Adults

Sleep apnea is a condition in which the affected person may experience shortness of breath inconsistently throughout the night. It is a serious sleeping disorder that could lead to a wide number of health problems if left untreated for a long time. There are a few different types of sleep apnea, such as obstructive sleep apnea, central sleep apnea, and complex sleep apnea syndrome, that are classified based on how the body reacts to the sudden halt in breathing. There are several signs and symptoms that may indicate sleep apnea in a person. The symptoms associated with sleep apnea in adults may differ from those observed in children and toddlers. Here are some common symptoms observed for sleep apnea: Adults The most common and easily noticeable sign of sleep apnea in adults is heavy snoring throughout the night and often waking up with a sore or dry throat. People with sleep apnea often find it difficult to sleep through the night. Therefore, another common symptom of sleep apnea in adults is constantly waking up either to go to the bathroom or with a feeling of shortness of breath. Some adults tend to wake up with an uncomfortable headache when suffering from sleep apnea and often have trouble paying attention or concentrating on everyday things when awake.
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6 Natural Remedies to Manage Dry Eyes

6 Natural Remedies to Manage Dry Eyes

Dry eye syndrome is caused due to insufficient lubrication and moisture on the eye’s surface. A person with this condition may experience subtle but constant eye irritation. Retinopathy, diabetes, age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, and glaucoma can also cause dry eyes. Apart from using medicines, the following list of home remedies can also help treat dry eyes. 1. Increase the daily dose of vitamins Various forms of vitamins such as vitamin A, B6, B9, B12, C, D, E, riboflavin, niacin, lutein, thiamine, and zeaxanthin are very good for overall wellbeing and also play a crucial role in improving ocular health. However, one should not consume these vitamins in excess. Consult a doctor to know the recommended dose of vitamins to avoid side effects. 2. Heat and massage Blocked tear ducts are one of the leading causes of dry eyes. The tear ducts can be unblocked by applying a warm compress or washcloth on the dry eyes for several minutes. One can follow this approach for a couple of days until the symptoms subside. Warm compress loosens debris, thereby helping the eyes release natural oils by unclogging tear ducts. 3. Eat more omega-3 fatty acids It has been observed that foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids can keep dry eyes symptoms like inflammation and redness at bay.
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5 Superfoods That Help Combat Osteoporosis

5 Superfoods That Help Combat Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis essentially means porous bones. It’s a condition in which the bone density in the body reduces, making them weak and brittle. Because of this, people with osteoporosis are highly likely to fracture or break their bones while doing regular physical activities. One of the best ways to make bones stronger is to eat bone-healthy nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and others. Accordingly, here are some superfoods to help fight osteoporosis. 1. Dairy products It is no surprise that milk and its products are considered superfoods for osteoporosis. Milk is chock-full of a bone-strengthening mineral called calcium. Doctors and researchers have long been saying that calcium is not only essential for bone development in young children and adults, but it also improves bone mass density and reduces bone loss with aging. When consuming dairy products, it’s best to look for low-fat or nonfat milk, yogurt, and cheese. Some dairy products are even fortified with vitamin D. 2. Nuts and seeds While bones are largely made of calcium, other minerals also play a crucial role in their overall health. Studies show that 50% to 60% of magnesium in an adult’s body is present in the bones, and low levels of this mineral can make bones fragile and result in calcium loss.
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Early Signs and Symptoms of Nasal Polyps

Early Signs and Symptoms of Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps are soft, sac-like growths found on the tissues that form your nasal passages’ inner linings. These are often found near the eyes, nose, and cheekbones and can vary in size and shape. Usually, nasal polyps do not show any major symptoms, so most people do not know how common they are among adults. Nasal polyps larger and higher up in the nasal pathways can sometimes obstruct your breathing and lead to the widening of the nose and the space between the eyes if left untreated. Larger nasal polyps show certain signs and symptoms, such as the following: Stuffy nose A stuffy nose, also known as nasal congestion, is a common symptom associated with the common cold. It is also a symptom of various other health conditions, nasal polyps being one of them. Nasal congestion is often marked by telltale physical signs such as a runny nose with mucus build-up that could lead to mild sinus pain. Postnasal drip When your body produces a large amount of mucus, typically as a defense mechanism against infection and to get rid of foreign particles, sometimes this mucus gets accumulated at the back of your throat. You can also sometimes feel the mucus dripping down the back of your throat.
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Symptoms and Risk Factors of Ovarian Cancer

Symptoms and Risk Factors of Ovarian Cancer

When abnormal cells begin to multiply in the ovary, it forms a tumor. If the tumor is not diagnosed at an early stage, cancer metastasizes to other parts of the body, and the treatment procedures become more challenging. While ovarian cancer, when detected at an early stage, can be treated easily, the problem is that it doesn’t show any early warning signs. Read on to find out the symptoms of the condition. Signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer The initial symptoms of ovarian cancer include: Abdominal bloating Abdominal pain or pressure Frequent urination Increased urge to urinate Difficulty eating Easily feeling full after eating These symptoms may also be an underlying cause of other diseases. Due to the tendency of most individuals to not take these signs seriously, they don’t avail medical attention till it is quite late. If not diagnosed on time, the tumor can spread to the nearby tissues or organs, causing irreversible damage. That’s why it is recommended to opt for regular screenings and full-body checkups, especially for people aged 40 and above. The common symptoms of advanced ovarian cancer include: Heartburn Constipation Indigestion Painful intercourse Back pain Fatigue Dermatomyositis Menstrual irregularities If these symptoms come and go, they may be occurring due to certain other underlying conditions or as side effects of a certain illness.
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10 Easily Available Superfoods for High Cholesterol

10 Easily Available Superfoods for High Cholesterol

High cholesterol is a serious problem that many of us face. The dread of yourself or a loved one ailing can get really overwhelming. But what if we told you that a few dietary changes and additions could not only help you manage bad cholesterol but also increase your HDL and benefit your heart. Here are 10 easily available superfoods that work miracles for those with high cholesterol. 1. Chia seeds These tiny seeds contain a massive amount of fiber, nutrients, proteins, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids, all of which majorly boost heart health, lower cholesterol, abnormal heart rhythms, blood pressure, and so much more. 2. Avocados With a ton of nutrients, fiber, and monounsaturated fatty acids, avocados are the perfect add-on to help save the day. They drastically reduce LDL and keep your heart healthy. 3. Berries Berries and fruits like apples, grapes, citrus fruits, etc., contain soluble fibers, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce bad cholesterol and lower the risk of developing several illnesses like heart diseases. 4. Oats and quinoa Oats contain a soluble fiber called beta-glucan that helps lower your bad cholesterol and helps lower the risk of developing heart diseases. On the other hand, quinoa is gluten-free and contains as many amino acids as there are in meat.
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Major Symptoms and Known Treatments for Hemophilia

Major Symptoms and Known Treatments for Hemophilia

Hemophilia is an unusual bleeding disorder that affects the blood’s ability to clot normally. Abnormal clotting is a serious risk and can result in severe bleeding due to an injury or even routine surgery. Hemophilia is mainly classified into two types, Classic Hemophilia (Type A) and Christmas disease (Type B). Lack of clotting factor VIII causes the first type, while a reduction in clotting factor IX will directly trigger Christmas disease. There is a Type C, one of the rarest variants of the disorder. However, both conditions will more or less exhibit the following symptoms with varying degrees of intensity. Note that in hemophilia, bleeding is the most noticeable and direct indicator of a problem among children and adults of all ages. Spontaneous bleeding Bruises or injuries can lead to bleeding that is normally stopped due to the clotting ability of the blood. However, if one experiences excessive bleeding even due to the smallest cuts or injuries, it is an indication of a lack of necessary clotting factors. Even deep bruises that don’t heal easily may indicate a developing hemophilia condition. Also, experiencing frequent nosebleeds and passing blood in urine or stool is cause for concern and immediate medical attention is advisable.
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6 Easy Tips for Overactive Bladder Management

6 Easy Tips for Overactive Bladder Management

When an individual suffers from an overactive bladder (OAB), they frequently and intensely feel the urge to urinate. This condition makes managing work and regular activities hard due to such frequent interruptions. Although managing the symptoms of OAB is tough, it is not impossible. In this article, we will be discussing six easy ways to help manage an overactive bladder. 1. Eat Healthy Food Foods that do not contain acid and are rich in vitamins are the ones you should add to your diet to prevent an overactive bladder. Fruits and vegetables like bananas, coconuts, berries, kale, cucumber, and broccoli are great sources of vitamins and minerals. Indulging in foods containing fiber such as oats, almonds, and lentils help avoid extra pressure on the bladder by preventing constipation. Fish, chicken, and eggs prove to be great sources of protein and are good for bladder health. 2. Eliminate Caffeine Eliminate caffeine and carbonated drinks completely as they aggravate the symptoms of OAB. Also, it’s essential to avoid drinking sports drinks, sugary drinks, or alcoholic beverages as they contribute greatly to worsening the situation. Spicy food and citrus fruits are also a big no-no as they contain acids and other elements that provoke the bladder.
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