6 Symptoms of Leukemia to Look Out For

6 Symptoms of Leukemia to Look Out For

Leukemia is a potentially fatal form of cancer originating in the blood cells. Around 170 people are diagnosed with the condition every day, and 67 people lose their lives due to it every day. The disease has four types: acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Myelogenous leukemia involves the myeloid cells, while lymphocytic leukemia results when the cancer cells develop in the lymphocytes. However, they all have similar symptoms, and the severity of these vary from one person to another. Here are the most common ones reported: 1. Bleeding issues Since different types of leukemia attack the blood cells, people often experience bleeding problems. The cancerous cells prevent the platelets from reducing blood loss due to cuts anywhere in the body. If not addressed timely, the body can end up losing a lot of blood, which makes the affected person feel weak and fatigued. 2. Frequent infections Leukemia destroys the functioning of every blood cell, including white blood cells (WBCs). WBCs are responsible for fighting off infections and keeping toxic agents away from the body. People affected by leukemia lose this ability, making the body susceptible to foreign invasion.
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Prostate Cancer and its Biggest Risk Factors

Prostate Cancer and its Biggest Risk Factors

The entire male population is at risk of developing prostate issues. This is why its cancer ranks second among the common cancer types seen in men. So, it’s essential to know what can go wrong with the prostate gland. Some specific factors put some men at a higher risk of being affected by this condition. Let’s take a look at the ones that top the list. Age With increasing age, the probability of developing this disease also increases. And this is especially the case once 50 is crossed. Statistically, it has been noted that 1 in 14 men aged 60 and above are detected with this condition, while the number of detections below the age of 40 remains 1 in 10,000. Race Studies show that African-American men possess a greater possibility of developing prostate cancer. Moreover, the risk of being diagnosed late and facing more severe issues when diagnosed is greater. Their race and ethnicity also increase the chances of developing the disease at a younger age. On the other hand, Asian-American and Hispanic men showed the least amount of chances of falling prey to this condition. How race or ethnicity contributes to increasing or decreasing the risk factor is yet to be found out.
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5 Common Treatment Options for Spinal Muscular Atrophy

5 Common Treatment Options for Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Spinal muscular atrophy impairs an individual’s ability to control their muscle movements. It is an inherited condition, and currently, there is no cure. However, treatments available can help manage spinal muscular atrophy. Also, many experimental therapies for treating the condition are in development. Doctors usually prescribe treatments based on the individual’s age, overall health, and the type of spinal muscular atrophy they have. In this article, let’s discuss popular treatment options for spinal muscular atrophy. 1. Evrysdi People with spinal muscular atrophy cannot produce survival motor neuron (SMN) proteins at sufficient levels due to a mutation in the SMN1 gene. The low levels of this protein cause motor neuron cells to shrink and eventually die. While another gene called SMN2 can also produce SMN proteins, the body can only use a small percentage of the protein. Approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in August 2020, Evrysdi is a gene therapy used to treat all types of spinal muscular atrophy. Evrysdi increases the number of functional SMN proteins in the body by targeting the SMN2 gene. The medication is available in liquid form and can be taken orally. 2. Spinraza Spinraza, developed by Biogen, was the first gene therapy medication approved by the FDA in December 2016.
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10 Cities People with Migraine Should Avoid

10 Cities People with Migraine Should Avoid

Migraine pains are a common form of discomfort. When the pain is triggered, getting through the day may feel like a monumental task and a hill that you are desperate to run away from. To avoid these consistent and persistent headaches, it is advised to avoid things that trigger the pain. But there is a wide range of factors that contribute to this condition, and the triggers can vary from person to person. Not many know of this, but the city that one lives in could be a major trigger for migraine-induced headaches. Research conducted by Bert Sterling and his team ranked the following US cities according to how badly they can affect migraine pains. The cities that are worst for migraine patients are: Cincinnati Madison North Little Rock Knoxville St. Louis Nashville Johnson City-Kingsport-Bristol Chattanooga Greenville-Spartanburg-Anderson Canton-Massillon And to arrive at this conclusion, these are the considerations they took note of. How was this concluded? In order to figure out which cities in the United States could be good or bad for people suffering from migraines, certain factors were taken into consideration. While not all of the listed cities ranked poorly on all these scales, some of them did.
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The Worst Cities for Arthritis Patients

The Worst Cities for Arthritis Patients

Arthritis causes the tissues to swell and triggers a tenderness in the muscles around vital joints in the body. And most symptoms can be aggravated due to the slightest changes in temperature, air pressure, and humidity. This is primarily why people living in certain states of the country may experience more severe symptoms in comparison to the rest of the population. The following cities in these states are the worst places to live with arthritis. Cities in Arizona Humidity and a drop in atmospheric pressure can trigger severe bouts of discomfort consistent with the changes. These distortions affect the fluids in the joints causing unexpected stiffness and pain. Arizona is also one of the few states in the country where the heat alone can trigger pain. Phoenix and Tucson are among the two hottest places in the state where temperature changes are severe. On average, the temperature in Phoenix ranges between 104 and 106 degrees Fahrenheit. Tucson is also not far behind with inhabitants experiencing an average heat wave of 90+ degrees Fahrenheit. Due to the extreme heat, sensitivity is elevated, tolerance to pain is reduced, and dehydration is also a possibility all collectively affecting the joints. Cities in Michigan Michigan is one of the many northern states in the country, and it undergoes serious changes in barometric pressure and heavy snowfall throughout the year.
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6 Foods That Aggravate Arthritis Symptoms

6 Foods That Aggravate Arthritis Symptoms

The chronic inflammation of joints is referred to as arthritis. Statistics by CDC reveal that more than 20% of adults develop this autoimmune condition as they age. Diet plays an important role in managing the symptoms of arthritis. While it is important to focus on foods that can provide relief from arthritis pain, avoiding certain foods can prevent the aggravation of the condition. The following foods should be avoided as they can worsen arthritis symptoms. 1. Processed foods These are one of the worst food triggers of arthritis. Processed foods such as breakfast cereals, tinned vegetables, and microwave meals contain high amounts of preservatives and food enhancers like MSG (monosodium glutamate). These preservatives can increase the amount of sodium and uric acid in the body. Excess of uric acid in the body can result in its crystal deposition in the joints, resulting in pain and inflammation. 2. Frozen meals Frozen meals are also a type of processed food that contains high amounts of sodium in the form of preservatives. Arthritis symptoms are usually treated using corticosteroids. However, these corticosteroids make the body’s hold onto high amounts of salt (sodium). Consequently, there is an increase in the sodium levels in the body, which results in the inflammation of joints.
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5 Worst Cities in the United States for Those with Eczema

5 Worst Cities in the United States for Those with Eczema

Atopic dermatitis, which is more commonly known as eczema, is a condition of the skin identified by an itchy inflammation or rash that may typically appear on the arms or behind the knees. Those with this condition should live in a region with very low humidity, milder climatic conditions, and moderate sunlight. Based on these external factors, certain cities are not suitable for those with sensitive skin. One should check a few things before they decide to settle in a city. The four parameters that one should consider are the prevalence of skin cancer, the weather conditions, the pollution levels and rate of smoking, and the accessibility of skin and health care Here are some such cities that should be avoided by people with eczema: 1. Tulsa, Oklahoma Tulsa is known to be among the cities with the highest skin cancer death rate in the country. The climatic conditions can sometimes get a little intense for someone with sensitive skin, especially during the summer when the sun remains blazing hot until late evening. For those staying in Tulsa, it is essential to take several precautions regarding protection from the sun. 2. Memphis, Tennessee The city of Memphis is another place in the country that tends to get a little intense in the summers.
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4 Unfavorable Cities for Asthma and Allergy Sufferers

4 Unfavorable Cities for Asthma and Allergy Sufferers

More than 50 million Americans suffer from nasal allergies. Living with asthma or allergies is not easy. Individuals who suffer from asthma have to take care of many things, including the kind of diet they have and the air they breathe. When it comes to asthma, it is important to ensure that you live in an area where you are less likely to be exposed to environmental toxins and allergens. This article brings to light a few cities that are unconducive to living for asthma and allergy sufferers. 1. Richmond, VA According to the Asthma and Allergy foundation of America (AAFA), Richmond ranks high among the most challenging cities to live in when it comes to asthma and allergies. In fact, reports have shown that the period from late February to summer tends to be one of the most problematic times for those suffering from these ailments. Many tree pollen bloom around this time, not to mention the dry wind that worsens the condition of a lot of individuals who live in this city. 2. Oklahoma City, OK Another asthma and allergy hotspot is Oklahoma city. Not only does it have poor air quality, but it also has a high pollen count, as compared to a lot of other cities in the country.
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Melanoma – Prevention, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Melanoma – Prevention, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Melanoma is a very critical skin cancer that can grow and spread to several organs in the body. It starts in the melanocyte cells that produce melanin, a pigment that enables one’s skin to develop color. If detected in its early stages, the condition is curable. However, if it spreads to other body parts, the disease can be deadly. This article lists down the prevention methods, symptoms, and treatment options for melanoma. Prevention One can prevent or lower the risk of melanoma by taking the following precautions: 1. Avoid spending too much time in the sun Activities in the sun can cause sunburn or expose a person to UV rays, which can harm the skin. One must schedule all their activities when the sun is not at its strongest, as prolonged exposure to sunlight can increase melanoma risk. Besides, one must wear sunglasses and a hat while stepping out in the sun. 2. Protect the skin When stepping out in the sun, one should apply sunscreen generously. It must be reapplied every few hours if a person sweats or goes for a swim. One must also wear long-sleeved clothes or a hat when stepping out to beef up protection from the sun.
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5 Natural Remedies to Manage Cold and Flu

5 Natural Remedies to Manage Cold and Flu

The common cold and flu are seasonal illnesses that have many symptoms in common. However, they are not the same, and the flu is generally worse than the cold. Nonetheless, either can be debilitating if they persist. Although medication is the best way to get rid of these illnesses, there are many home remedies that you can try to ease your symptoms and reduce discomfort. Below, we have listed some of the most effective natural remedies that can alleviate cold and flu symptoms. 1. Steam therapy Steam inhalation is one of the most effective natural remedies to open up your nasal passages. Inhaling warm, moist air helps clear the mucus in your nasal passage, throat, and lungs, thereby allowing you to breathe better. Take a bowl of steaming hot water and hold your head over it. Make sure your head is a few inches away from the bowl. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose for a couple of minutes, and drape the towel over the back of your head to prevent steam from escaping. Wipe your face and keep repeating the process till you find relief. 2. Saltwater gargle Gargling with salt water is a proven natural remedy to soothe a sore throat, a common symptom of the cold and flu.
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