6 Common Triggers of Hyperhidrosis

6 Common Triggers of Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis is a type of disorder that causes excessive sweating, even in unusual situations. A person suffering from this type of disorder may sweat even in cooler temperatures with or without any trigger. Statistics suggest that more than four percent of people in our country suffer from hyperhidrosis. There are several treatment options available to treat the disorder. However, hyperhidrosis can be managed more effectively by avoiding the following triggers: 1. Spicy foods This is the most common hyperhidrosis trigger. While spicy food is palatable, it excites the heat receptors in the skin that cause it to vasodilation, sweating, and flushing. Capsaicin, present in spicy foods, activates the skin’s heat receptors resulting in excessive sweating. Hence, people suffering from hyperhidrosis are recommended to avoid consuming spicy foods and switch to other palatable flavors. 2. Synthetic clothes Clothes made from synthetic fiber like polyester, acrylic, nylon, vinyl, fleece, etc., may be light-weighted and can dry quickly, but they are not breathable. This blocks the airflow to the skin and consequently causes excessive sweating in the case of hyperhidrosis. Switch to breathable, natural fabrics such as cotton, linen, and chambray as they are also non-abrasive. Similarly, it is recommended to wear shoes made of materials that don’t trap the airflow and lead to excessive sweating.
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4 Common Methods of Birth Control

4 Common Methods of Birth Control

Birth control is used by women across the globe to prevent unwanted pregnancy. However, there are many other methods, including condoms, IUDs, birth control pills, implants, rings, shots, and patches. It sure can be a little overwhelming to choose from the large pool of options, but we’re here to help you figure it out. Take a look at our brief list of common methods of birth control. Each birth control method has different pros and cons. For instance, some are easy to use, some help prevent STDs, some involve less or no hormones, while others help with the menstruation cycle. 1. Birth control pills These are oral contraceptives that manipulate the hormones to prevent pregnancy. They are 91% effective; however, if they are taken every day without missing a day, they are proven to be 100% effective. Once on the pill, the hormones are altered to stop ovulation, which means the body does not prepare to fertilize an egg. Also, these birth control pills thicken the mucus around the cervix, which makes it difficult for the sperm to enter the cervix for fertilization. 2. Birth control patch These are slightly less maintenance than oral contraceptives, as these need to be changed weekly and not daily.
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5 Warning Signs of Deep Vein Thrombosis

5 Warning Signs of Deep Vein Thrombosis

A blood clot is a gel-like, semisolid clump of blood. When it forms in a vein deep inside the body, it is called deep vein thrombosis. This is a life-threatening condition that usually affects an individual’s thighs and lower legs but can also form in other body parts. Detecting the problem early is crucial to prevent serious complications. So, here are the common early warning signs of deep vein thrombosis that should not be ignored. 1. Swelling Swelling in one of the limbs is a very common early warning symptom of deep vein thrombosis. Typically, the swelling occurs in either of the legs. However, in some cases, the arms are affected first. The swelling occurs because the body’s blood circulation is poor, preventing enough oxygen from reaching critical organs. If an individual notices unexplained swelling in any of their limbs, it might be because of blood clots in their veins, and they must get it checked immediately. 2. Pain Pain is another common early warning symptom of deep vein thrombosis. Pain due to a blood clot in the vein is usually felt in only one leg and often starts in the calf. The pain is generally mild. However, the area may become sore, tender to touch, or achy.
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5 Early Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer

5 Early Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer

The pancreas releases an enzyme that aids digestion and the creation of hormones in the body that help manage blood sugar levels. Due to this reason and many others, the pancreas is one of the most important parts of the body. Pancreatic cancer is a type of cancer that is caused due to the growth of abnormal tissue in the pancreas. Unfortunately, cancer of the pancreas is rarely detected in the early stages. So, here are some signs and symptoms that should help you detect pancreatic cancer early on. 1. Jaundice One of the most prominent signs of pancreatic cancer is jaundice. Most individuals get jaundice as an early symptom of pancreatic cancer. Jaundice is caused due to the buildup of bilirubin in the body. Bilirubin is produced in the liver and passed through the body with the help of the common bile duct. When cancer develops in the head of the pancreas, it can put pressure on the common bile duct, leading to a buildup of bilirubin in the body. Other signs of jaundice include dark urine, light-colored stools, and itchy skin. 2. Belly and back pain Another early warning sign of pancreatic cancer is pain in the abdomen or back.
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Early Warning Signs for Cancer

Early Warning Signs for Cancer

Cancer is the leading cause of death across the world. But cancer is an umbrella term used to cover a wide range of diseases and conditions caused due to the abnormal multiplication of cells in the body. As of 2018, breast cancer is one of the most common cancers. It had 2.09 million cases and caused 627,000 deaths. Despite it being so prominent, not many individuals are aware of the early signs and stages that could help prevent fatalities. This article will shed light on these signs and symptoms so you can keep an eye out and ensure that you get the right treatment at the right time. 1. Lump or mass in the breast One of the early telltale signs of breast cancer is having lumps in the breast or the underarms. While it is not unusual to have lumpy breasts, individuals should carry out home tests to check if there are lumps in their breasts. Here are a few changes that you should look out for the following. Changes in the texture of the breast that is not caused due to the menstrual cycle. A hard lump in the breast that was not there before A lump present in only one of the breasts It is also important to remember that not all lumps signify cancer.
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Stages and Symptoms for Hepatitis C

Stages and Symptoms for Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is primarily triggered by the HCV virus, causing an infection in the liver. Diagnosis is tricky since the condition has many overlapping symptoms. The disease can be acute or chronic. If the diagnosis is made within a few weeks or months, it is acute hepatitis C. However, if the condition is detected after several years, it is chronic. Knowing the symptoms of hepatitis C is essential for a proper and timely diagnosis. To make it easier, this article divides the symptoms into three stages: early, progressive, and delayed. 1. The early stage One of the most important things to understand about acute hepatitis C is that the symptoms start showing up between two weeks and six months of exposure to the virus. This timeline varies from person to person, depending on the severity of the condition. Often, the first symptoms will be similar to the flu. Studies indicate that many people with acute hepatitis C may also develop a chronic version of the condition. Such people may live longer than 15 years without being diagnosed with any symptoms. The early signs to look out for mainly include: Visual changes: A yellow discoloration of the skin and the eyes and passing dark urine can indicate the infection’s early stage.
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Early Warning Signs Linked to Sarcoma

Early Warning Signs Linked to Sarcoma

In sarcoma, one develops a cancerous tumor in the tissue of the body. The tumor can grow in the bone or muscle, gradually forming a lump that can protrude from the skin. A lump like growth is an early warning sign of sarcoma. The symptoms of sarcoma depend on its origin. Identifying symptoms early, before the cancer spreads, can increase one’s chances of a complete cure. Here are four early warning signs of sarcoma. 1. A growing lump The most prominent and easily identifiable early signs of sarcoma is a lump that can occur anywhere on the body. Sarcoma can also either start in the arm or leg, producing a lump in these two parts of the body. The lump grows gradually over a duration of a few weeks or months. It can also develop in the head or chest in rare cases. Desmoplastic small round cell tumor, also known as DSRCT, is a sarcoma that often develops in the belly or pelvis area, so patients may grow a lump there as well. 2. Pain in the affected area As the tumor grows, few people may experience pain in that particular area, which is one of the early warning signs of sarcoma.
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4 Warning Signs of Colon Cancer

4 Warning Signs of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths in the country. It occurs in the large intestine, beginning with benign cell formations inside the organ. Some of these cells become cancerous over time. While colon cancer can affect anyone, it is generally more prevalent in adults. There are multiple ways to treat colon cancer; a considerable amount of deaths can be prevented by regular screening and early detection. Spotting and tracking early symptoms is an important part of the treatment of colon cancer. In this article, we enlist some of the earliest signs and symptoms of colon cancer that should be watched out for: 1. Unexplained weight loss Colon cancer, just like many other types of cancer, leads to unexplained and sudden weight loss. This happens due to the fact that the cancer cells feed off the energy the body gains from food. The immune system, meanwhile, also uses up a large part of energy to fight off the cancer cells. Thus, the organs gain little from the food being consumed, thereby causing weight loss. Bowel movement is also affected, and the cancer cells have the capability to alter the way in which food is converted into energy.
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5 Early Symptoms of UTI

5 Early Symptoms of UTI

UTI or urinary tract infection can occur in any part of the urinary system, including the kidneys, uterus, bladder, and urethra. However, it commonly occurs in the lower urinary tract, which includes the bladder and urethra. Urologists suggest that women are around 30 times more likely to develop UTI than males. Here are some early signs of UTI that one should be aware of: 1. Lower abdomen or back pain Patients developing UTI may feel pain in the lower pelvic region or lower back. It might feel like a sharp spasm or cramp while moving or stretching. The pain may become chronic as the infection progresses. 2. Burning sensation This is the most primary sign of UTI. Since it is a bacterial infection, the bacteria stick to the lower urinary system’s tissues, thereby causing inflammation. The sensitive tissues cause a burning sensation when urine passes. Some women might also experience a burning or tingling sensation, which might give them the urge to urinate. Hence, doctors highly recommend drinking at least six to eight glasses of water every day. Some doctors also recommend drinking cranberry juice, as it can neutralize the effect of bacteria in the urethral region. 3. Bloody, dark, or cloudy urine Sometimes the urine might appear darker than usual and cloudy.
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Effective Methods to Manage Acid Reflux at Home

Effective Methods to Manage Acid Reflux at Home

Acid reflux, also referred to as heartburn, is a regular gastrointestinal discomfort that affects men and women of all ages. Heartburn is one of the first and most persistent symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), and it varies in terms of severity. Treatment is possible, and, in most mild cases, over-the-counter medications and lifestyle changes prove to help manage the condition and improve the quality of life. Here are the following natural remedies to manage acid reflux. 1. Natural herbal remedies Tea is a useful remedy for acid reflux; it provides soothing relief when prepared and consumed properly. Chamomile tea has a soothing effect on the digestive tract. Also, tea made with raw roots that are thoroughly cleaned, fennel, and marshmallow can be consumed in moderation to reduce the effects of persistent heartburn. In mild to moderate cases of acid reflux, ginger root and licorice is also suggested. It is advisable to consult a doctor first to understand if there might be any side effects that one should know before trying the hot beverage. 2. Avoid certain trigger foods One of the simplest natural remedies for acid reflux is an elimination diet. Eliminating certain foods or consuming them in moderation can help reduce the risk of indigestion that results in heartburn.
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