Various Food Allergy Symptoms and Triggers in Dogs

Various Food Allergy Symptoms and Triggers in Dogs

When humans experience allergies, it is easy to identify the issue. Unfortunately for animals, they cannot tell us what they are going through, making it crucial for pet owners to keep an eye out for allergens. This specifically applies to the symptoms and triggers for food allergies in dogs since you never know when an ingredient won’t suit the pup. This article discusses the same and how you can spot them.

Triggers for food allergies in dogs
While each dog can have or suffer from unique allergens, there are a few common food items that threaten allergic reactions in dogs.

  • Dairy
    Individuals commonly think that milk and dairy products are good for dogs but this is not true. Dogs are often lactose intolerant, which can lead to allergy symptoms including gas, diarrhea, and even vomiting. Due to this lactose intolerance, it can be difficult to spot a true allergy from an intolerance. In case of an allergic reaction, dogs will display other signs too, such as itchiness of the skin.
  • Beef
    Another common allergen is beef. This is only on this list because it contains high levels of proteins that can trigger an allergic reaction in dogs. Also, long-term consumption of beef can also lead to the development of intolerance, which can then cause allergy-like symptoms and signs.
  • Eggs
    While most dogs are not really allergic to eggs, it can cause allergic reactions in some. This is simply the body’s immune response to proteins present in the egg yolk. Other common triggers that lead to symptoms of food allergies in dogs include wheat, chicken, lamb, and even soy.

Now that you know about the triggers, here are some prevalent allergy signs and symptoms that you should look out for:

  • Ear infections
    One of the most common signs of food allergic reactions is ear infections. These usually lead to yeasty ears and are accompanied by a strong odor. There may also be black/brown discharge and buildup from the ear. This symptom can be treated over the counter medication. But, in case of allergies, it is best to get it checked by a doctor.
  • Red or brown nail beds
    This sign is one of the most visible food allergy symptoms. It is characterized by an inflamed nail bed that usually looks red or bloody. In a healthy dog, this nail bed would be white or pink. Dogs may also lick and bite their nail beds when inflamed when they experience an allergic reaction.
  • Bronzing around lips
    Another common sign and symptom of allergies are bronzing around the lips. This can be caused due to food allergies and yeast infections. It is characterized by pink and inflamed lips that lead to itching in dogs.

If you observe these common symptoms of food allergies, it is best to immediately stop giving them any possible item acting as a trigger, take them to the vet, and enable them to get the medical attention that is necessary.