Effective Methods to Manage Acid Reflux at Home

Effective Methods to Manage Acid Reflux at Home

Acid reflux, also referred to as heartburn, is a regular gastrointestinal discomfort that affects men and women of all ages. Heartburn is one of the first and most persistent symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), and it varies in terms of severity. Treatment is possible, and, in most mild cases, over-the-counter medications and lifestyle changes prove to help manage the condition and improve the quality of life.

Here are the following natural remedies to manage acid reflux.

1. Natural herbal remedies
Tea is a useful remedy for acid reflux; it provides soothing relief when prepared and consumed properly. Chamomile tea has a soothing effect on the digestive tract. Also, tea made with raw roots that are thoroughly cleaned, fennel, and marshmallow can be consumed in moderation to reduce the effects of persistent heartburn. In mild to moderate cases of acid reflux, ginger root and licorice is also suggested. It is advisable to consult a doctor first to understand if there might be any side effects that one should know before trying the hot beverage.

2. Avoid certain trigger foods
One of the simplest natural remedies for acid reflux is an elimination diet. Eliminating certain foods or consuming them in moderation can help reduce the risk of indigestion that results in heartburn. These include coffee or caffeine-based beverages, chocolate, different forms of diluted and concentrated alcohol, fried, fatty foods, spice foods or condiments, and certain citrus-based foods like tomatoes. Planning a trigger-free diet and practicing mindful eating can help you maintain a healthy weight and simultaneously promote better digestion. Simple practices like chewing thoroughly, eating smaller but frequent meals, and concentrating solely on food will promote better digestion. This, in turn, reduces the discomfort associated with common GERD problems.

3. Simple changes in routine
Making a few changes in your daily routine can provide you with much-needed relief when it comes to the symptoms of acid reflux. It is advisable to avoid going to bed immediately after a meal. A good three or four hours of gap prior to your bedtime is suggested to reduce the risk of heartburn. Your sleeping position can also affect the intensity of reflux. Sleeping with the head elevated by 6-8 inches also helps. Further, sleeping on the left side reduces the risk of abdominal fluids returning into the esophageal cavity and causing heartburn. Smoking is another trigger risk that can be curbed for symptom relief. It is essential to note that changes in a routine may not necessarily cure acid reflux, but healthy habits can reduce the risk of a relapse to a great extent. Even tight clothing or wearing belts that put pressure on the abdomen can trigger the involuntary reflex. So wear loose clothing and avoid tight apparel.

4. Relaxation techniques
Stress can be another factor that can aggravate the symptoms of acid reflux. This stress can be either physical or mental, resulting in mild to moderate discomfort. Relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, and deep breathing can help manage discomfort.