Early Warning Signs of MS

Early Warning Signs of MS

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a progressive, autoimmune disorder. This means that MS is caused by the body’s immune system malfunctioning and attacking parts of the body that are needed for proper functioning. In the case of MS, the body attacks the protective covering of nerve cells. This diminishes the function of the spinal cord and brain. Here are some of the early warning signs of MS:

1. Balance problems

People with MS often experience vertigo, which is lightheadedness and dizziness that causes one to feel as if their surroundings are spinning. This symptom often is seen when one stands up after sitting or laying down for long periods. Dizziness and coordination problems can also affect the mobility of someone with MS.

2. Bladder issues

Bladder dysfunction is another common early warning sign of MS, with approximately 80 percent of those diagnosed with the condition reporting it as a symptom. This can include an inability to hold urine, frequent urination, or strong and frequent urges to urinate. Luckily, these symptoms are often manageable.

3. Cognitive problems

Approximately half of those with MS will experience some form of cognitive dysfunction. These symptoms can include, shortened attention spans, memory problems, difficulty staying organized, and language difficulties. Depression is also common in those with MS.

4. Vision problems

When MS attacks the optic nerve, inflammation occurs and disrupts central vision. This disruption can cause double vision, blurred vision, or complete vision loss in advanced MS. In addition to visual loss, pain when moving your eyes from side to side or looking up is another warning sign of MS.

5. Tingling and numbness

The spinal cord acts as the body’s message center, and when their nerves are damaged due to MS, it affects their ability to properly send signals around the body. In cases of severe damage, sometimes no signals are sent. This improper signaling can result in a numbing or tingling sensation in the arms, fingers, legs, or face.

6. Pains and spasms

Involuntary muscle spasms and chronic pain are also early warning signs of MS. One study showed that up to half of those with MS suffer from daily chronic pain. Muscle stiffness, along with spasms, is also a common warning sign. Uncomfortable joints and painfully uncontrollable jerking movements are most common in the legs and back but can happen in any part of the body.

7. Weakness or fatigue

One of the most prominent early warning signs of MS is unexplained fatigue and weakness. It is estimated that up to 80 percent of those with MS report weakness and fatigue as an early sign of MS. When nerves deteriorate in the spinal column, this causes chronic fatigue. This fatigue usually appears suddenly and can last sometimes for weeks before improving. This weakness is usually first noticed in the legs.