Diabetes – 4 Foods to Avoid

Diabetes – 4 Foods to Avoid

The condition of diabetes is linked to the body’s insulin and blood sugar levels. When the sugar count increases dramatically, it puts one at a higher risk of diabetes. Here is when insulin comes to play, as it helps convert the blood sugar into energy and keeps it under control. One’s diet impacts these two components largely, and so patients with diabetes can better their condition by staying away from certain foods.

Let’s look at five foods that shouldn’t make it to any diabetics’ diet:

1. Carbonated drinks
Carbonated beverages like sodas, fruit drinks, and lemonade are associated with insulin resistance. Plus, these drinks usually have enormous amounts of sugar in them, which diabetes patients should not consume. These are also high in carbohydrates, which means additional sugar intake. Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose and increase the sugar content of the blood, so they are not good for diabetes patients. Lastly, these drinks have fructose, which is linked to sudden metabolism changes, a condition that is not heart-healthy. It is essential to avoid carbonated beverages to improve one’s condition.

2. Processed foods
Processed foods are terrible for those with diabetes. Most of these food items contain minimal to no nutrition. They also have little fiber. Those who have diabetes require more fiber so that their bodies are able to dissolve and absorb sugar into the bloodstream slowly. Processed foods include cold cuts, refined flour, sauces, salad dressings, and other artificially prepared items. Instead of these, it’s better to consume foods that are organically grown, like vegetables and fruits. They have good fiber content and can significantly improve your condition.

3. Fried foods
Fried foods can hamper the fat content of your body. It can increase cholesterol and then eventually cause weight gain. Both these things are equally bad for people with diabetes. Most junk foods are fried, and they include foods like french fries, fried chicken, and dessert snacks like churros. Although they may be tasty, these are the worst possible foods for people with diabetes. If one still craves these, they should try an alternative cooking method. Instead of refined sugar, they can add dates to their desserts, as they have a low glycemic index.

4. Full fat dairy
Whole milk or full-fat milk can induce high cholesterol levels, which put one at risk of heart disease. Other kinds of dairy with too much fat like full-fat yoghurt, cheese, or sour cream can increase one’s weight. Always check labels before purchasing dairy. Opt for dairy that is low in fat. For instance, yogurts and milk, with only two percent fat is ideal for people with diabetes. A better option may be to have almond milk , one with low sugar content so that it doesn’t increase blood sugar levels.