Causes and Risk Factors for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Causes and Risk Factors for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Pulmonary arterial hypertension causes high blood pressure affecting the arteries in the lungs and heart. This is caused due to the narrowing or blockage of the blood vessels. If this condition is left untreated for a longer period of time, it has the potential to escalate and could be life-threatening in some cases. PAH could be caused due to a variety of underlying causes that are typically classified into five groups. They are as follows.

Causes of PAH

1. Group 1
The cause of this type of pulmonary arterial hypertension is sometimes a genetic mutation that is passed down through the family or due to heart problems that are diagnosed at birth. It could also be caused due to prescription diet drugs or illegal drugs like methamphetamines. Other reasons for this type of pulmonary arterial hypertension are conditions such as scleroderma, lupus, HIV infection, or chronic liver disease.

2. Group 2
This particular type of pulmonary arterial hypertension is distinguished by the fact that it is usually caused as a result of some underlying disease affecting the left side of the heart. It could either be due to complete failure of the left heart chamber or due to mitral valve or aortic valve disease.

3. Group 3
This group of causes is associated with pulmonary arterial hypertension that is caused due to underlying lung problems. One of the major causes of this type of pulmonary arterial hypertension is a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Other causes may include pulmonary fibrosis and obstructive sleep apnea.

4. Group 4
This type of pulmonary arterial hypertension is caused due to chronic blood clots found in the lungs, also known as pulmonary emboli. Other clotting disorders may also cause pulmonary arterial hypertension in certain patients.

5. Group 5
This group of pulmonary arterial hypertension could be caused by a wide variety of miscellaneous health conditions. It could either be caused due to blood disorders such as polycythemia vera and essential thrombocythemia or due to certain inflammatory disorders like sarcoidosis and vasculitis. Furthermore, metabolic disorders and kidney-related disorders can be underlying causes for a person experiencing pulmonary arterial hypertension.

6. Eisenmenger syndrome
Eisenmenger syndrome is a congenital heart condition caused due to the presence of a hole between the lower chambers of the heart. This is also known as a ventricular septal defect.

Risk Factors of PAH

Certain risk factors associated with pulmonary arterial hypertension include obesity or being overweight, long exposure to asbestos, a family history of pulmonary arterial hypertension, or that of blood-clotting disorders. Other risk factors include the use of illegal drugs and weight-loss drugs, the use of serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or living in places that are at a higher altitude.

Now that you know the causes and risk factors of pulmonary arterial hypertension, take necessary precautions.