4 Food Groups That Aggravate COPD Symptoms

4 Food Groups That Aggravate COPD Symptoms

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) affects the respiratory system, mainly the lungs, and obstructs airflow. This can cause a range of distressing symptoms, including breathing problems, wheezing, blockage, excess mucus production, and persistent cough. It is mainly triggered by bronchial tubes’ inflammation, which carry air to and from the lungs. Treatments and remedies apart, several dietary restrictions are necessary to relieve the pressure and soothe the condition. Read on to know more about some of the foods to avoid for COPD patients 1. Foods and beverages that cause bloating COPD patients must avoid vegetables that can cause gas and trigger bloating as a result. One of the main reasons is that gas can put tremendous pressure on the diaphragm and worsen breathing troubles commonly associated with this respiratory disorder. One must eliminate cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and bok choy from their diet. Essential vitamins, including A and C, can be replenished from substitutes like citrus fruits and sweet potatoes. Among the other foods to avoid for COPD patients are sugary beverages and deep-fried foods that can trigger bloating. 2. Carbohydrates and fats Dieticians and nutritionists recommend COPD patients to add complex carbohydrates to their diet, which are found in whole-grain bread, pasta, fresh veggies (excluding cruciferous) and fruits.
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6 Foods to Avoid for Respiratory Disorders

6 Foods to Avoid for Respiratory Disorders

People with respiratory disorders like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) often experience a lot of difficulty in breathing. Several external factors are known to directly impact how one breathes. Certain foods are known to add immense strain on the lungs, and this worsens the symptoms in people and causes more difficulties in breathing. An easy way to remedy such breathing difficulties is by making sensible changes to one’s diet and lifestyle. Here are some foods that cause breathing problems in people: 1. Acidic foods and drinks Acid reflux or heartburn is said to worsen the problem for people suffering from respiratory disorders. Acidic foods and drinks, such as citrus, fruit juice, tomato sauce, coffee, and spicy foods, are known to be responsible for causing acid reflux in certain individuals. Such foods should be avoided by people with respiratory disorders so as to help manage the condition better. 2. Cured meat Cured and processed meats such as bacon, ham, and cold cuts often contain additives known as nitrates that enhance the colors of such meats. These additives are known to worsen the symptoms of respiratory disorders. These meats also contain a large amount of salt and saturated fats, which may increase the risk of heart diseases and cancer.
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Diabetes – 4 Foods to Avoid

Diabetes – 4 Foods to Avoid

The condition of diabetes is linked to the body’s insulin and blood sugar levels. When the sugar count increases dramatically, it puts one at a higher risk of diabetes. Here is when insulin comes to play, as it helps convert the blood sugar into energy and keeps it under control. One’s diet impacts these two components largely, and so patients with diabetes can better their condition by staying away from certain foods. Let’s look at five foods that shouldn’t make it to any diabetics’ diet: 1. Carbonated drinks Carbonated beverages like sodas, fruit drinks, and lemonade are associated with insulin resistance. Plus, these drinks usually have enormous amounts of sugar in them, which diabetes patients should not consume. These are also high in carbohydrates, which means additional sugar intake. Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose and increase the sugar content of the blood, so they are not good for diabetes patients. Lastly, these drinks have fructose, which is linked to sudden metabolism changes, a condition that is not heart-healthy. It is essential to avoid carbonated beverages to improve one’s condition. 2. Processed foods Processed foods are terrible for those with diabetes. Most of these food items contain minimal to no nutrition.
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8 Foods That Trigger Itchy Skin and Eczema

8 Foods That Trigger Itchy Skin and Eczema

Eczema is a condition where the person develops an itchy inflammation on the skin. It is also known as atopic dermatitis and typically begins as a rash on the arms or behind the knees. The condition is usually triggered by atmospheric factors or stimulants such as weather conditions, cosmetics, soaps, and detergents. However, it is interesting to know that certain foods can also trigger eczema. So here are some foods to avoid with eczema. 1. Dairy Milk and milk products, such as yogurt, butter, and cheese, are common allergens that cause eczema in children. Cow’s milk is especially known to be one of the most common triggers for eczema flare-ups. 2. Citrus fruits Fruits such as grapes, oranges, and kiwis are known to cause irritation in people with eczema. Products derived from such fruits, such as wine, raisins, and juices, are equally harmful and must therefore be avoided. People with more severe eczema experience flare-ups even after coming in contact with the peel of any citrus fruit. 3. Avocados Many people in the world are allergic to avocados. They experience eczema flare-ups when they consume foods containing this fruit. 4. Shellfish Shellfish and seafood are also some of the most common foods that cause allergic reactions in people with eczema.
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Superfoods to Reduce the Risk of Cancer

Superfoods to Reduce the Risk of Cancer

Cancer is a disease that causes abnormal cells to grow uncontrollably. This year, approximately 1.8 million Americans will be told that they have cancer. There are many types of cancers, but breast cancer, lung cancer, leukemia, colon cancer, and lymphoma are among the most common ones. Making some lifestyle changes can reduce the risk of developing cancer. One easy change is to eat a diet that includes a lot of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. Here are five superfoods that are especially rich in nutrients. These nutrients help prevent cancer and other diseases: 1. Legumes The legume family includes peas, peanuts, beans, and lentils. They are among the versatile, nutritious, and inexpensive food. Besides being a good protein source, they contain no cholesterol and are rich in soluble and insoluble fiber, folates, and antioxidants. Beans and lentils are readily available and can be purchased dry or canned. The high fiber in beans is thought to help prevent colorectal cancer and decrease the risk of recurrence. They are easily included in your diet. Add them to salads, prepare yummy soup, stews, and chilis with them, and puree them for spreads and dips. 2. Berries These fruits are rich in vitamin C and antioxidant polyphenols, which protect against cell damage that could lead to cancer.
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The Best Smoothies for Bone Health and Joint Pain

The Best Smoothies for Bone Health and Joint Pain

Delicious smoothies are a fun way to help you manage almost any health issue. Many people are concerned about bone health because they suffer from joint pain caused by arthritis, old injuries, autoimmune disorders, and other conditions. Your healthcare provider will advise you on the best ways to maintain your health, but here are a few enjoyable suggestions that directly involve bone health and pain: 1. Dried figs A good bone-strengthening fruit is the fig, another plant enjoyed by people for thousands of years. Although you can eat them fresh or dried, dried figs are available year around and easy to find. Not only are they rich in calcium but they also contain other nutrients beneficial for your bones including magnesium. 2. Fish oils For many years children were accustomed to being fed a spoonful of cod liver oil each day regardless of its strong, peculiar odor. Rich in vitamin D, it aided in the absorption of calcium and magnesium to ensure strong bone growth. Today, other fish oils are recommended by many health care practitioners for omega-3 fatty acids; two types, EPA and DHA, are being studied for their apparent anti-inflammatory properties, specifically reducing swelling and pain, well-known to sufferers of arthritis.
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The Best Detox Drinks to Cleanse the Lungs

The Best Detox Drinks to Cleanse the Lungs

Severe asthma is a serious medical condition stemming from swelling and inflammation within the lungs. The symptoms of asthma are in large part linked to the fact that this inflammatory condition arises within the lungs and airways causing swelling, restriction, and breathing difficulties. The more severe side of the disorder can pose a very real danger to the patient’s life. While asthma attacks stem from multiple triggers (i.e., pollution, scents, smoke, animal hair or dander, etc.), a few lung cleansing drinks can help cleanse the lungs and keep them healthy: 1. Green tea Green tea is a rich source of polyphenols and catechins. The catechins are natural antioxidants that help promote health through a variety of different effects. The tea’s polyphenols help reduce inflammation. As with some other drinks, this anti-inflammatory response keeps aways from swelling. And with reduced swelling comes a dramatic decrease in the overall severity of an asthma attack. 2. Cinnamon tea Cinnamon is used a little differently than most of the other teas. Cinnamon teas are typically used to protect people from asthma symptoms that might occur while sleeping. The tea’s main mechanism of action is an anti-mucosal response. If you’ve ever slept near someone who produces too much mucus while they sleep then you know how much of an impact it can have on their breathing.
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5 Delicious No-Bake Desserts for Diabetes

5 Delicious No-Bake Desserts for Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a condition in which the body struggles to produce or process insulin, which is the hormone responsible for helping your cells absorb sugar. As a result, the body also struggles to regulate blood sugar. It is therefore important for diabetics to keep their blood sugar levels within a target range in order to prevent various complications, including diabetic edema, which can cause blindness.  However, having diabetes shouldn’t mean you have to skip out all the sweet things in life! Here are 5 sweet and easy desserts for diabetes:  1. No sugar added granola and fresh fruit parfait Packed with protein and healthy fats, Greek yogurt is a creamy alternative to ice cream or pudding. Mixed berries are a great source of sweetness without any processed sugar and, for some additional crunch, add some no-sugar-added granola, which should contain some protein-rich nuts or seeds and high-fiber oatmeal. Layer the yogurt with the berries and the granola in a clear glass to make an attractive and delicious dessert. You can even add some spice by sprinkling cinnamon on the top! 2. Graham crackers with nut butter This treat is a great sweet-and-salty snack for when you want an extra nibble after a meal.
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5 Foods to Skip for Smooth Sailing

5 Foods to Skip for Smooth Sailing

Got a cruise scheduled this winter? Between Turks and Caicos Beaches Booking, Silversea Cruises, Princess Cruises, and more, there are so many amazing options. Get ready for beautiful scenery, fun activities and excursions, and delicious food—but before you eat just anything, you should know that there are some foods to avoid. If you want to enjoy your vacation and not get sick, we recommend leaving these foods on the serving platters: 1. Sushi While sushi bars have great appeal, it is probably best to avoid the delicacy, especially when it comes to raw sushi. Sushi and other raw food items need to be kept at a temperature of 40 degrees or colder, and if it’s been sitting out at a buffet, it can be hard to maintain this temp. This makes sushi a breeding ground for bacteria which can make you very sick—so it’s best to avoid that California roll and opt for something else. 2. Food that isn’t very hot Buffets are one of the main attractions of dining on a cruise; however, it’s important to note that hot foods must be kept at a temperature of 140 degrees or higher to kill bacteria and be safe to consume.
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