9 Health Benefits of Coffee

9 Health Benefits of Coffee

Who can resist a cup of coffee? Whether it’s before an intense gym session or a long boring meeting at work or soon after a spin class, a cup of coffee will give you a boost of energy instantly. The caffeine content is like fuel for most of us, but the question is— is it good for health? Well, the truth is, when coffee is consumed in moderation, it can have many health advantages.

So, let’s find out the health benefits of coffee.

1. Improves energy levels
This is a very significant advantage of coffee. Caffeine, the stimulant, really perks you up and it is hands down the most commonly consumed psychoactive substance. It also improves focus, mood, vigilance, and overall mental health functions.

2. Enhances physical performance
Caffeine helps break down fat and aids in production of epinephrine (adrenaline) levels in the blood, which signals your nervous system and supports your body for intense physical exertion. It’s no surprise that people with an active lifestyle are used-to having a cup of coffee before starting a physical activity.

3. Helps burn fat
Caffeine aids in fat burning by boosting metabolism by 3% to 11%. That’s exactly why it’s a consistent ingredient in most fat-burning supplements. Coffee also aids in processing sugar better, thus keeping type 2 diabetes at bay.

4. Healthy nutrients and antioxidants
Packed with essential nutrients, a single serving of coffee carries vitamin B2, vitamin B5, manganese, potassium and vitamin B3. Besides, coffee is also a rich source of antioxidants. Benefits like these make coffee a healthy beverage among the others.

5. Prevents Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia
Along with dodging type 2 diabetes, coffee also successfully helps prevent neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. And for patients who are affected by these illnesses, coffee can have many advantages. Research has proved that coffee produces a stimulating factor, which improves brain health in many ways.

6. Lowers the risk of Parkinson’s disease
This is another neurodegenerative disease that follows the most common illness called Alzheimer’s disease. Since Parkinson’s is caused due to the non-function of dopamine-generating neurons in the brain, coffee can aid in reversing the effect while reducing the risk of developing Parkinson’s.

7. Coffee is good for the liver
People who consume coffee regularly are not prone to liver diseases like hepatitis, fatty liver disease, and cirrhosis.

8. Fights depression
Depression is among the most common mental health issues across the globe, but the good news is that coffee can reduce the risk of developing this disorder. Regular coffee drinkers have a 20% lower risk of developing depression than those who consume little or none.

9. Lowers the risk of stroke and heart diseases
While it is true that coffee can raise your blood pressure, it has no negative impact on the heart or its health. In fact, certain research has proved that moderate consumption of coffee reduces the risk of stroke by 20%.