8 Natural Remedies for Hair Loss

8 Natural Remedies for Hair Loss

Your hair sits on your head like a crown, and to watch your hair fall off is nothing less than heartbreaking. Chemical products come and go, but natural ones are healthy, wholesome, and easily procured. If you desire long, lustrous hair and are lost about what to do regarding your hair fall, here’s a solution. Listed below are 8 natural remedies that will help you resolve your hair fall problems once and for all.

1. Aloe vera
Aloe vera is a great conditioner for your hair and has been an age-old technique to treat hair loss. It soothes the scalp and creates an environment that allows hair follicles to flourish by unblocking what was blocked by oil. You can easily apply fresh/store-bought aloe gel on your scalp twice a week.

2. Lemon
Lemons nurture your scalp and encourage a healthy hair regrowth. You can use either fresh lemon juice or lemon oil, both work great. Just massage your scalp with it and let it sit for a few minutes before using a shampoo.

3. Eggs
Eggs have an unappealing smell but they work wonders on your hair. Eggs are high in protein and help reverse damage, strengthen your hair and facilitate hair regrowth. Simply use it as a hair mask and allow it to sit for 10-15 minutes and rinse using a conditioner.

4. Onion juice
Although onion juice holds an unpleasant odor, its benefits on your hair are priceless. It helps treat patchy hair fall and enhances blood circulation to your follicles. It also contains antibacterial properties that cure infections in the scalp. Simply blend a few onions, apply it to your scalp and let it sit for 115 minutes before rinsing.

5. Coconut milk
The humble coconut’s abilities are well-known globally. Coconut milk has moisturizing properties, potassium, and fatty acids that help fix a dry and damaged scalp. It facilitates healthy hair follicle growth. Simply massage some coconut oil into your hair and allow it to sit for a few minutes each day for best results.

6. Apple cider vinegar
Bacteria accumulates when your hair follicles are clogged and deprived of the healthy oils they need. Apple cider vinegar unclogs pores and promotes healthy regrowth.

7. Fish oil
Fish oils contain omega 3 fatty acids and proteins, which prove to be a great supplement for your hair. It helps reduce hair loss and improves hair density. It is also beneficial for the overall health of your body.

8. Rosemary oil
Rosemary oil is loaded with antiseptic properties that stimulate hair growth. It also helps treat a flaky scalp and dandruff, keeping your scalp clean and healthy. It also contains antibacterial properties, which helps facilitate hair growth and reduces hair fall.