8 Foods That Trigger Itchy Skin and Eczema

8 Foods That Trigger Itchy Skin and Eczema

Eczema is a condition where the person develops an itchy inflammation on the skin. It is also known as atopic dermatitis and typically begins as a rash on the arms or behind the knees. The condition is usually triggered by atmospheric factors or stimulants such as weather conditions, cosmetics, soaps, and detergents. However, it is interesting to know that certain foods can also trigger eczema. So here are some foods to avoid with eczema.

1. Dairy
Milk and milk products, such as yogurt, butter, and cheese, are common allergens that cause eczema in children. Cow’s milk is especially known to be one of the most common triggers for eczema flare-ups.

2. Citrus fruits
Fruits such as grapes, oranges, and kiwis are known to cause irritation in people with eczema. Products derived from such fruits, such as wine, raisins, and juices, are equally harmful and must therefore be avoided. People with more severe eczema experience flare-ups even after coming in contact with the peel of any citrus fruit.

3. Avocados
Many people in the world are allergic to avocados. They experience eczema flare-ups when they consume foods containing this fruit.

4. Shellfish
Shellfish and seafood are also some of the most common foods that cause allergic reactions in people with eczema. Allergies to shellfish like shrimp, crab, lobster, and prawns are known to be quite unpredictable and can be triggered at any point in a person’s life regardless of whether they have eaten it before or not.

5. Broccoli
Foods that contain high amounts of salicylates, amines, and natural MSG are known to trigger eczema flare-ups and could cause a lot of itching. Such foods include broccoli, spinach, silverbeet, and kale. These foods are otherwise considered to be really healthy but can be harmful to eczema patients who are sensitive to salicylates.

6. Tomatoes
Tomato is another food that contains a large amount of salicylates and MSG in it and is therefore unhealthy for people with eczema. Tomatoes are also known to trigger allergic reactions and must therefore be avoided.

7. Eggs
Like dairy, eggs are known to be the most common allergens that trigger eczema flare-ups in children as well as adults. Besides being a common allergen, excessive consumption of raw eggs regularly could lead to a deficiency of biotin, a water-soluble B vitamin. Such a deficiency is also known to lead to eczema.

8. Gluten
Children and adults who are allergic to gluten usually start experiencing a flare-up a few minutes after consuming wheat or other gluten-rich foods. Such an allergy towards gluten is usually temporary and stops after the age of ten in most children.