6 Foods to Avoid for Respiratory Disorders

6 Foods to Avoid for Respiratory Disorders

People with respiratory disorders like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) often experience a lot of difficulty in breathing. Several external factors are known to directly impact how one breathes. Certain foods are known to add immense strain on the lungs, and this worsens the symptoms in people and causes more difficulties in breathing. An easy way to remedy such breathing difficulties is by making sensible changes to one’s diet and lifestyle.

Here are some foods that cause breathing problems in people:

1. Acidic foods and drinks
Acid reflux or heartburn is said to worsen the problem for people suffering from respiratory disorders. Acidic foods and drinks, such as citrus, fruit juice, tomato sauce, coffee, and spicy foods, are known to be responsible for causing acid reflux in certain individuals. Such foods should be avoided by people with respiratory disorders so as to help manage the condition better.

2. Cured meat
Cured and processed meats such as bacon, ham, and cold cuts often contain additives known as nitrates that enhance the colors of such meats. These additives are known to worsen the symptoms of respiratory disorders. These meats also contain a large amount of salt and saturated fats, which may increase the risk of heart diseases and cancer.

3. Cruciferous Vegetables:
Cruciferous vegetables, although rich with nutrients, are notorious for causing bloating and gas problems in people and could seriously worsen the symptoms for people with respiratory disorders. People suffering from conditions like COPD should limit foods like cabbage, broccoli, radishes, and cauliflower since they are known to cause gas.

4. Dairy products
Dairy products can be healthy when consumed in the right proportions since they are rich in nutrients like calcium and healthy fats. When digested, milk and milk products produce a byproduct in the stomach known as casomorphin. This compound is responsible for increasing the amount of mucus produced in the intestines and is said to be linked with causing flare-ups in people with respiratory conditions.

5. Excessive salt

Sometimes, when it comes to salt, there can be a fine line between too much and too little. People who tend to add too much salt to their food tend to experience more respiratory problems than others, as salt causes water retention. If one really needs flavor, try adding some herbs and spices to enhance the flavor instead of salt.

6. Caffeinated drinks

Caffeinated beverages like coffee and sodas are known to cause bloating and gas in people and can increase the heart rate and blood pressure. All these factors can add too much strain on the lungs and cause difficulty in breathing. Such beverages are also extremely high in calories and salt and contain excessive amounts of sugar. For people suffering from respiratory disorders, it is recommended that they limit their caffeine intake.