6 Foods That Aggravate Arthritis Symptoms

6 Foods That Aggravate Arthritis Symptoms

The chronic inflammation of joints is referred to as arthritis. Statistics by CDC reveal that more than 20% of adults develop this autoimmune condition as they age. Diet plays an important role in managing the symptoms of arthritis. While it is important to focus on foods that can provide relief from arthritis pain, avoiding certain foods can prevent the aggravation of the condition. The following foods should be avoided as they can worsen arthritis symptoms.

1. Processed foods
These are one of the worst food triggers of arthritis. Processed foods such as breakfast cereals, tinned vegetables, and microwave meals contain high amounts of preservatives and food enhancers like MSG (monosodium glutamate). These preservatives can increase the amount of sodium and uric acid in the body. Excess of uric acid in the body can result in its crystal deposition in the joints, resulting in pain and inflammation.

2. Frozen meals
Frozen meals are also a type of processed food that contains high amounts of sodium in the form of preservatives. Arthritis symptoms are usually treated using corticosteroids. However, these corticosteroids make the body’s hold onto high amounts of salt (sodium). Consequently, there is an increase in the sodium levels in the body, which results in the inflammation of joints.

3. Aerated drinks
Aerated or carbonated drinks are loaded with processed sugar. This not only increases the risk of developing a series of health issues but also reduces the body’s ability to absorb calcium. Low calcium levels in the body increase the chances of getting osteoarthritis, a type of arthritis. Women should especially be wary of this food trigger as they usually experience a decline in the calcium levels with increasing age.

4. Gluten
Gluten is a protein that helps bind the molecules of the grain together. However, the same gluten can worsen arthritis symptoms. People who are sensitive to gluten can experience inflammation in the body and can also suffer from osteoporosis (bone loss). This is because the immune system can accidentally attack gluten, considering it as a harmful compound. Therefore, one must avoid gluten-rich foods such as breads, pastas, and cereals.

5. Meat cooked at high temperature
AGEs (advanced glycation end product) are formed and produced in the blood due to the consumption of meats cooked at high temperatures. The increased levels of AGEs in the blood can increase the inflammation in the body, thereby aggravating arthritis symptoms. Meats such as beef, pork, and fried fish are rich in AGEs. So, switching to leaner meats like chicken and steamed fish will help combat the condition.

6. Omega-6 fatty acids
Omega-6 fatty acids are found in food sources such as sunflower oil, corn oil, beef, and pork. High amounts of these fatty acids in the body can increase inflammation, making it difficult to manage arthritis. Hence, it is recommended to switch to omega-3 fatty acids, which are present in foods like walnuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds, freshwater fishes, and grass-fed beef.