6 Easy Tips for Overactive Bladder Management

6 Easy Tips for Overactive Bladder Management

When an individual suffers from an overactive bladder (OAB), they frequently and intensely feel the urge to urinate. This condition makes managing work and regular activities hard due to such frequent interruptions. Although managing the symptoms of OAB is tough, it is not impossible. In this article, we will be discussing six easy ways to help manage an overactive bladder.

1. Eat Healthy Food
Foods that do not contain acid and are rich in vitamins are the ones you should add to your diet to prevent an overactive bladder. Fruits and vegetables like bananas, coconuts, berries, kale, cucumber, and broccoli are great sources of vitamins and minerals. Indulging in foods containing fiber such as oats, almonds, and lentils help avoid extra pressure on the bladder by preventing constipation. Fish, chicken, and eggs prove to be great sources of protein and are good for bladder health.

2. Eliminate Caffeine
Eliminate caffeine and carbonated drinks completely as they aggravate the symptoms of OAB. Also, it’s essential to avoid drinking sports drinks, sugary drinks, or alcoholic beverages as they contribute greatly to worsening the situation. Spicy food and citrus fruits are also a big no-no as they contain acids and other elements that provoke the bladder.

3. Don’t Consume Fluids Before Bedtime
To avoid frequently going to the bathroom in the middle of the night, it’s advisable to cut down fluid intake a few hours before dinner. One should also use the bathroom right before getting into bed and not indulge in foods containing too much liquid before going to bed.

4. Be More Active
Working out has more benefits than generally perceived. Obesity and inactivity can cause the bladder muscles to weaken. So, to strengthen the body, one needs to engage in physical activity such as running or cycling. These workouts strengthen the legs and develop better bladder control as they reduce the pressure on the muscles.

5. Engage in Kegel Exercises
A great way to help strengthen the bladder muscles is by doing Kegel exercises. It improves the pelvic floor muscles and helps minimize bladder problems by giving more direct control of the body. This exercise is so easy to perform that one can just lay on their back and tighten their pelvic floor muscles for a few seconds and then release them, and it needs to be repeated 10 times.

6. Don’t Dehydrate Yourself
If you think that drinking less water will help solve your problems, you’re quite wrong. Restraining yourself from water can cause your bladder to irritate. You will need to visit the washroom even if you do not intake the regular amount of water you need. So, it is advised to maintain a healthy water intake throughout the day.