5 Worst Cities in the United States for Those with Eczema

5 Worst Cities in the United States for Those with Eczema

Atopic dermatitis, which is more commonly known as eczema, is a condition of the skin identified by an itchy inflammation or rash that may typically appear on the arms or behind the knees. Those with this condition should live in a region with very low humidity, milder climatic conditions, and moderate sunlight. Based on these external factors, certain cities are not suitable for those with sensitive skin.

One should check a few things before they decide to settle in a city. The four parameters that one should consider are the prevalence of skin cancer, the weather conditions, the pollution levels and rate of smoking, and the accessibility of skin and health care

Here are some such cities that should be avoided by people with eczema:

1. Tulsa, Oklahoma
Tulsa is known to be among the cities with the highest skin cancer death rate in the country. The climatic conditions can sometimes get a little intense for someone with sensitive skin, especially during the summer when the sun remains blazing hot until late evening. For those staying in Tulsa, it is essential to take several precautions regarding protection from the sun.

2. Memphis, Tennessee
The city of Memphis is another place in the country that tends to get a little intense in the summers. This city’s UV index is also pretty high, making it a very unfavorable city to live in for people with eczema or other skin conditions.

3. San Diego, California
The climate in San Diego is quite dry, and since it is closer to the beaches near Los Angeles and Sacramento, the weather is not particularly forgiving for those who have eczema or dry skin. There have been many cases of melanoma reported in San Diego due to such extreme weather conditions.

4. Las Vegas, Nevada
Las Vegas is also known to get extremely hot in the summer, and the weather is usually very dry and unforgiving. Aside from the dry weather, the city is extremely popular for its culture and attracts many tourists throughout the year. As a result, the number of smokers in the city is at an all-time high, which further diminishes air quality in Las Vegas. When paired with the particulate matter in the air from smoked cigarettes, such dry conditions can be very harmful to people who have skin conditions like eczema.

5. Phoenix, Arizona
Phoenix is known for being sunny and dry for most of the year and has quite a significant number of high ozone days. Most people living or traveling to Phoenix spend most of their time out in the sun, making them more vulnerable to the effects of the heat and the UV rays. People with eczema should steer clear of regions like these to protect their skin from such harsh conditions.