5 Lifestyle Tips to Control Multiple Sclerosis

5 Lifestyle Tips to Control Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the central nervous system that affects nearly one million people in the country. With MS, a person’s immune system gets damaged, and it ends up attacking the protective outer covering of nerve fibers responsible for communication between different parts of the nervous system. People suffering from MS experience painful symptoms such as double vision, fatigue, dizziness, and shock-like sensations throughout the body.

There’s no cure for MS. However, a combination of treatment and lifestyle changes can help curtail some of the symptoms. We’ll be focusing only on the latter. So, here are five lifestyle tips to help control MS.

1. Eat healthy

While the right diet might not completely cure MS, it can help reduce the symptom’s severity. People suffering from MS often experience problems with bowel movement. A high-fiber diet can address this issue and improve the condition of the bladder. To fight the condition, one must include green leafy vegetables and high-fiber, low-fat foods like fish, olive oil, and whole-grain cereals in their diet.

2. Say no to smoking

Smoking isn’t good even if a person is not suffering from MS. The lungs suffer a great deal, and it has a detrimental effect on the nervous system, causing a real problem for MS patients. The condition can gradually worsen if one is still hooked to it.

3. Prioritize mental health

MS is not an easy condition to deal with. It hinders one’s everyday routine and even affects basic tasks like walking and eating. Since it affects the brain, patients are often stressed and suffer from depression. Therefore, good mental health is essential when it comes to dealing with MS. If such symptoms are not addressed in time, the condition can worsen. One can talk to their doctor and draw up a schedule for managing depression. Also, practices like meditation can help reduce stress.

3. Exercise regularly

Staying fit is necessary for both physical and mental health. Patients with MS are advised to exercise daily to ensure their brain is always engaged, and the limbs remain flexible. Physical activity even helps alleviate a few symptoms of MS, like constipation. Simple exercises like stretching and aerobic exercises can help. However, one must not overdo it. One can consult a therapist and draw up an exercise plan tailored according to their capability.

4. Sleep well

Proper and uninterrupted sleep can help address many problems of MS. A sound sleep cycle freshens up one’s mood and helps reduce fatigue, a common issue for people with the condition. To enable a good sleep, one can have specific arrangements in place. One can also talk to their doctor and see if they can safely consume certain medications to sleep better.