5 Early Symptoms of UTI

5 Early Symptoms of UTI

UTI or urinary tract infection can occur in any part of the urinary system, including the kidneys, uterus, bladder, and urethra. However, it commonly occurs in the lower urinary tract, which includes the bladder and urethra. Urologists suggest that women are around 30 times more likely to develop UTI than males.

Here are some early signs of UTI that one should be aware of:

1. Lower abdomen or back pain
Patients developing UTI may feel pain in the lower pelvic region or lower back. It might feel like a sharp spasm or cramp while moving or stretching. The pain may become chronic as the infection progresses.

2. Burning sensation
This is the most primary sign of UTI. Since it is a bacterial infection, the bacteria stick to the lower urinary system’s tissues, thereby causing inflammation. The sensitive tissues cause a burning sensation when urine passes. Some women might also experience a burning or tingling sensation, which might give them the urge to urinate. Hence, doctors highly recommend drinking at least six to eight glasses of water every day. Some doctors also recommend drinking cranberry juice, as it can neutralize the effect of bacteria in the urethral region.

3. Bloody, dark, or cloudy urine
Sometimes the urine might appear darker than usual and cloudy. Although darker urine might result from dehydration, if it is experienced with one of the symptoms mentioned above, it could be an early sign of UTI. Some patients might also experience pink-colored urine, indicating the presence of blood. This could be due to a ruptured blood vessel in the lower urinary system due to excessive inflammation. So, drinking more water does not only decrease the burning sensation, it also lightens the urine.

4. Urinary incontinence
Some patients might experience lesser control over the bladder, which could be due to inflammation and pain caused by the bacteria. This can lead to a strong urge to urinate. While some doctors suggest that this symptom indicates that the infection might be further along, some patients might also experience this with other early UTI signs like cloudy urine and lower pelvic pain. Performing Kegel exercises can strengthen muscles and tissues around the area, thereby decreasing incontinence. However, it is recommended to see a doctor if incontinence becomes chronic and unbearably painful.

5. Feeling exhausted
This is an early sign of UTI, wherein the bacterial infection causes the immune system to go into overdrive to fight the condition. As it draws a considerable amount of energy, the immune system gets weaker, and the patient might feel unexplainable exhaustion. However, it is only an early sign of UTI if the symptom is experienced with other symptoms, such as urinary incontinence and burning sensation.