5 Delicious No-Bake Desserts for Diabetes

5 Delicious No-Bake Desserts for Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a condition in which the body struggles to produce or process insulin, which is the hormone responsible for helping your cells absorb sugar. As a result, the body also struggles to regulate blood sugar. It is therefore important for diabetics to keep their blood sugar levels within a target range in order to prevent various complications, including diabetic edema, which can cause blindness. 

However, having diabetes shouldn’t mean you have to skip out all the sweet things in life! Here are 5 sweet and easy desserts for diabetes: 

1. No sugar added granola and fresh fruit parfait

Packed with protein and healthy fats, Greek yogurt is a creamy alternative to ice cream or pudding. Mixed berries are a great source of sweetness without any processed sugar and, for some additional crunch, add some no-sugar-added granola, which should contain some protein-rich nuts or seeds and high-fiber oatmeal. Layer the yogurt with the berries and the granola in a clear glass to make an attractive and delicious dessert. You can even add some spice by sprinkling cinnamon on the top!

2. Graham crackers with nut butter

This treat is a great sweet-and-salty snack for when you want an extra nibble after a meal. While sweet, the amount of sugar in graham crackers is not considered significant enough to disrupt a low-sugar diet, provided that they are consumed in moderation. Nut butter is also a great source of protein and healthy fat to offset the cracker’s carbs. Simply spread your nut butter of choice on a graham cracker square and this healthy, low-effort dessert is ready to go. 

3. Angel food cake with berries

Who says diabetics can’t have cake? Angel food cake is a delicious treat that is sweet, airy, and low in sugar. There are also a myriad of sugar-free angel food cake recipes online. Berries can also add some extra, natural sweetener and a moist, tart contrast to the angel food cake. Add them to your cake whole, chopped, or reduced into a sauce, and, if you want even more goodness, finish off this dish with a dollop of no-sugar whipped cream or Greek yogurt. 

 4. Low-sugar avocado mousse

A staple of the keto diet, which emphasizes low-carb, sugar-free, and high-protein food, avocado mousse is a great way to have a creamy treat with low sugar. Using powdered sweetener and coconut cream in place of sugar, and avocado in place of a whipped egg, this mousse is low-carb and full of fiber and healthy fats. Plus, sweeners and cocoa powder mask the taste of the avocado, making this mousse taste no different from your favorite dessert. 

5. Chia seed pudding

Considered a superfood, chia seeds are low-calorie, high-fiber, and packed with nutrients. What’s more, studies have shown that chia seeds can help improve insulin and gluten intolerance. Chia seed pudding, therefore, is a great alternative dessert. Made by mixing chia seeds with almond milk and refrigerating, you can leave out the sweetener or add honey, fresh or dried fruit, or chocolate chips. 

Signs and symptoms of type 2 diabetes include increased hunger and thirst, frequent infections, fatigue, frequent urination, blurred vision, and slow-healing sores. If you experience these symptoms, consult a physician as soon as possible; they will be able to run some diabetic tests and determine the best treatment option for you.