5 Commonly Overlooked Signs of Cervical Cancer

5 Commonly Overlooked Signs of Cervical Cancer

The lower part of the uterus that connects it to the vagina is called the cervix. Cancer of this part of the female anatomy is known as cervical cancer. It is necessary for women to get tested regularly for early detection of the disease. It is mainly because the signs and symptoms of cervical cancer can often be overlooked as day-to-day issues, making it hard to diagnose during the early stages.

Here are some of the early warning signs and symptoms of cervical cancer that can occur due to various other reasons.

1. Abnormal vaginal bleeding
One of the commonly seen early warning signs of cervical cancer is abnormal bleeding of the vagina. Spotting, in general, is not a sign of anything serious. However, if a patient experiences bleeding in between periods, after menopause, or after intercourse, it can be a cause of concern, as it could be an indication of cervical cancer. The bleeding is generally seen when the tissues surrounding the cervix have been infected by cancer cells. Instances like longer or heavier menstrual cycles, or bleeding post a pelvic exam could also be treated as warning signs.

2. Painful intercourse
Painful intercourse can be a result of an inflamed cervix, cervical polyp, or vaginal infection. It can also occur due to cervical cancer. When the tumor spreads through the tissues of the cervix it causes pain. It is usually seen in advanced cases. However, despite the many reasons for occurrence, it is safer to get it checked in time.

3. Vaginal discharge
Under normal circumstances, vaginal discharge is not a cause of concern. It is, in fact, considered normal. But, if the discharge has a foul smell and watery consistency, it could be concerning. It is, however, important to remember that abnormal vaginal discharge can occur due to various reasons. It is said that the breaking down of a tumor is what generally leads to smelly vaginal discharge. Therefore, it is advisable for the person to get in touch with their health care expert or book a screening appointment.

4. Lower back or pelvic pain
Lower back pain or pelvic pain is no serious concern either, but pelvic pain that just won’t go away is. Persistent pelvic pain is one of the most common early warning signs and symptoms of cervical cancer. It is, therefore, necessary for women with constant and worsening pelvic pains to get it checked. According to experts, it is when cancer has reached an advanced stage that the pain near the appendix is experienced.

5. Unexplained weight loss and fatigue
If a person has lost a huge amount of weight without trying, it can be a warning sign of an illness. One of the common reasons for unexplained weight loss is cancer. The same holds true for cervical cancer. If a woman has been going through weight loss without activity or diet changes and is frequently fatigued, it can be a sign.