4 Ways to Naturally Cope with Asthma

4 Ways to Naturally Cope with Asthma

To manage asthma effectively, one needs to take prescribed medicines on time, and equip the body to naturally cope with the condition. While there are no home remedies that will cure asthma, you can use certain natural methods to reduce the risk of an attack. These include having anti-inflammatory foods and practicing stress-relieving techniques. These may also improve asthma-related symptoms. Here are a few things you can try at home for relief.

1. Drink ginger tea
Ginger tea is known to be a common remedy for a cold as it has anti-inflammatory properties. For the same reason, it is also consumed to manage asthma. Ginger tea can reduce the swelling of the nasal tract and allow air to flow freely through it. As the condition already makes breathing difficult, having ginger can lead to asthma relief by allowing one to breathe better. It may also reduce wheezing and prolonged cough. The root has antioxidants too, which detoxes the body of harmful substances. This reduces the chances of contracting a virus or infection that may trigger asthma.

2. Practice breathing techniques
Regulating one’s breathing can go a long way in managing asthma. It can stabilize the breath so that one doesn’t fall short of oxygen. This can be beneficial during an asthma attack, which often causes one to gasp for breath. Practicing breathing techniques prepares the body to be calm during an attack, thus reducing the need for any urgent medication. Breathing properly also helps to relieve stress and keeps the mind sound. Mental well-being is an important aspect of coping with asthma. Practice controlled breathing through the mouth and nose daily to help with asthma symptoms.

3. Prepare food with turmeric
People with asthma need to stay away from allergens as it can trigger an asthma attack. While buying an air purifier to keep the air clean helps a lot, it is also possible to avoid the effect of these triggers on the body after coming in contact with it. One such way is to have turmeric. Its anti-allergy components may prevent the body from reacting to an allergen. Additionally, it has an effect on a compound called histamines, released as a response of the immune system, that is known to cause inflammation. So, adding turmeric to your food might be a good option to manage asthma.

4. Include Vitamin C in the diet
Those with asthma may suffer from hypersensitive airway tissues that get triggered with the slightest of disturbances. Vitamin C is known to help decrease the oxidative stress that is usually exerted on these tissues. The nutrient may help one recover from a trigger faster, while also boosting one’s immunity. So it can be highly beneficial to include fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin C in one’s diet. Aside from having antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, which will help in coping with asthma, it will help improve one’s overall health.