4 Warning Signs of Colon Cancer

4 Warning Signs of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths in the country. It occurs in the large intestine, beginning with benign cell formations inside the organ. Some of these cells become cancerous over time. While colon cancer can affect anyone, it is generally more prevalent in adults. There are multiple ways to treat colon cancer; a considerable amount of deaths can be prevented by regular screening and early detection.

Spotting and tracking early symptoms is an important part of the treatment of colon cancer. In this article, we enlist some of the earliest signs and symptoms of colon cancer that should be watched out for:

1. Unexplained weight loss
Colon cancer, just like many other types of cancer, leads to unexplained and sudden weight loss. This happens due to the fact that the cancer cells feed off the energy the body gains from food. The immune system, meanwhile, also uses up a large part of energy to fight off the cancer cells. Thus, the organs gain little from the food being consumed, thereby causing weight loss. Bowel movement is also affected, and the cancer cells have the capability to alter the way in which food is converted into energy.

2. Irregularities in bowel movement

If one’s bowel movement has been seriously affected—along with inconsistencies in stool—then they must visit the doctor, as it’s a worrying symptom of colon cancer. The condition affects the functioning of the large intestine, which is unable to remove toxins from the body. Stool becomes thinner, while the frequency of bowel movement also undergoes changes. The steady development of cancer cells on the lining of the intestine hinders bowel movement, thereby causing irregularities.

3. Weakness and fatigue

Cancer cells have a detrimental effect on the body’s energy levels. These cells use up the energy from food for their own survival and multiplication, leaving the patient tired and exhausted throughout the day. The fatigue doesn’t go away even after rest, and is a classic indicator of the birth of cancer cells. That being said, fatigue and weakness are also symptoms of various other health conditions. So, it’s advisable to visit the doctor and get the symptom confirmed.

4. Bloody stool and rectal bleeding

Blood in stool is a common symptom of colon cancer. The stool might even appear dark, which could indicate the presence of dried blood. If one is experiencing this on a regular basis, then it’s best to report it to the doctor. Similarly, rectal bleeding is often reported by patients suffering from colon cancer. Bleeding takes place in the lower colon or rectum, leading to discharge of blood or pink-colored water during bowel movement.