4 Food Groups That Aggravate COPD Symptoms

4 Food Groups That Aggravate COPD Symptoms

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) affects the respiratory system, mainly the lungs, and obstructs airflow. This can cause a range of distressing symptoms, including breathing problems, wheezing, blockage, excess mucus production, and persistent cough. It is mainly triggered by bronchial tubes’ inflammation, which carry air to and from the lungs. Treatments and remedies apart, several dietary restrictions are necessary to relieve the pressure and soothe the condition.

Read on to know more about some of the foods to avoid for COPD patients

1. Foods and beverages that cause bloating
COPD patients must avoid vegetables that can cause gas and trigger bloating as a result. One of the main reasons is that gas can put tremendous pressure on the diaphragm and worsen breathing troubles commonly associated with this respiratory disorder. One must eliminate cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and bok choy from their diet. Essential vitamins, including A and C, can be replenished from substitutes like citrus fruits and sweet potatoes. Among the other foods to avoid for COPD patients are sugary beverages and deep-fried foods that can trigger bloating.

2. Carbohydrates and fats
Dieticians and nutritionists recommend COPD patients to add complex carbohydrates to their diet, which are found in whole-grain bread, pasta, fresh veggies (excluding cruciferous) and fruits. One should eliminate sources of simple carbohydrates like sugar, baked goods and confectionaries, and soft drinks from the diet. Also, one must completely avoid foods picked off the supermarket shelves. Most of these are rich in trans and saturated fats and are also laced with preservatives. They force the body to spend extra energy breaking down the carbs, and the resultant fatigue or lethargy can severely affect one’s breathing.

3. High-calorie foods
With COPD, patients must maintain a healthy body weight, as excess fat can increase the pressure on the chest and airways, aggravating breathing difficulties. Obesity or generally being overweight severely affects one’s breathing, and the respiratory organs are forced to work under intense pressure. Reducing the consumption of or completely eliminating high-calorie foods can help in such cases. Among the most important foods to avoid for COPD patients are red meats and other fatty cuts, fried foods, and baked goodies. These can be substituted for sources of healthy fats like assorted nuts and seeds, coconut and olive oils, fatty fish rich in omega 3s, and certain types of cheeses (should be avoided if lactose intolerant).

4. Dairy products
Certain dairy products have been linked to an increased risk of COPD, as they directly affect lung function and worsen respiratory symptoms. Milk, certain types of cheeses, yogurt, and ice cream are rich in sugars and increase phlegm production, which can block the airways and trigger breathing problems. Further, dairy products must be avoided if one is lactose intolerant; even limited consumption can trigger bloating and gas. Patients should consult a specialist and determine the circumstances wherein they might benefit from a low-fat dairy diet if consumption is necessary.